Eesti Raadio
Owner / Publisher: Eesti Raadio
Language: Estonian
Region Served / Publication Area: Local stations in many outlets throughout the country
Type of Coverage: General interest, news, entertainment, sports
Frequency: Various, by location
Kuku Raadio

Owner / Publisher: AS Trio LSL
Language: Estonian
Region Served / Publication Area: Local stations in many outlets throughout the country
Type of Coverage: News, talk radio, current affairs, politics, society, culture, sports, music
Frequency: Various, by location
Founded in 1992 by AS Trio LSL, Kuku Raadio is the oldest privately-owned radio station in the country. Kuku Raadio routinely broadcasts segments about news, current affairs, politics, society, culture, and sports. Kuku Raadio additionally includes features such as "Book of the Week" and "Digital Hour."
Raadio Elmar
Owner / Publisher: Dotcom Communications
Language: Estonian
Region Served / Publication Area: Local stations in many outlets throughout the country
Type of Coverage: Music
Frequency: Various, by location
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