Learning a few words and phrases in the language of the country you're visiting can significantly enhance your experience. The following greetings and basic pleasantries are essential building blocks for communication. Being able to use them in conversation demonstrates respect for the local culture and people, which can lead to more positive and welcoming interactions.
Additionally, engaging with the language can provide deeper cultural insights, helping you understand traditions, customs, and social nuances that might otherwise be overlooked. This fosters greater empathy and global awareness and can transform a standard trip into a richer, more immersive adventure.
Word or Phrase in English | Word or Phrase in Estonian | Phonetic Pronunciation |
Hello (daytime) | Tere | TEHR-reh |
Hello (evening) | Tere | TEHR-reh |
Hello (on the telephone) | Halloo | ha-lo |
Goodbye | Head aega | HEH-ahd AH-eh-gah |
Yes | Jah | YAHH |
No | Ei | ay |
Excuse me; I'm sorry | Vabanda; Vabandust | VAH-bahn-dah; VAH-bahn-doost |
My name is _____ | Minu nimi on | MEE-noo NEE-mee ohn |
What is your name? | Mis teie nimi on? | Mis te je ni mi on? |
Pleased to meet you | Meeldiv tutvuda | mayl-div tut-vu-da |
How are you? | Kuidas sul läheb? | Kui-das sool la-heb? |
Please | Palun | PAH-loon |
Thank you | Tänan | TA-nahn |
Do you speak English? | Kas te räägite inglise keelt? | kas te ra-ge-da ing-li-sa kelt? |
I don't understand | Ma ei saa aru | ma ai sah a-ru |
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