Ukraine Flag Ukraine

National Day

Independence Day


August 24


Ukraine was once part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In the late 1980s, President Mikhail Gorbachev relaxed the country’s restrictions on free speech, and nationalist movements began to emerge in several regions, including the Ukraine. Communist hardliners’ failed coup attempt in August 1991 led to massive pro-democracy demonstrations in Moscow and other large cities. The military refused to shoot at the demonstrators, thus fatally weakening the authoritarian government’s hold on power.

The Ukrainian Parliament declared Ukraine an independent democratic state on August 24, 1991. In December 1991, the Soviet Union officially dissolved.


Ukrainians honor their independence from the Soviet Union in 1991 with wreath-laying ceremonies, military parades, and public speeches in the larger cities. Families enjoy carnivals, sports events, exhibitions, concerts, and other social activities. The celebrations are capped with artillery volleys and spectacular firework displays.


Banks, government offices, business offices, and some retail stores.